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Class 55 Deltic Progress Update

Class 55 Deltic Progress Update

Here’s a quick update on the Class 55 Deltic to keep you all up to speed on progress on Accurascale’s first locomotive.

Tooling of the locomotive is continuing but has taken longer than originally anticipated due to the sheer number of detail variations we are doing, which as you know, has not been attempted on the Deltic before! We also made several corrections to the CAD along the way as we want to get it 100% correct. We’re quite fussy like that! The aim was to have the models for the end November, in time for Warley, but we will miss this deadline by a couple of months. Updated timeline is as follows:

  • EP Sample due early October
  • Decorated Samples: Mid November (in time for Warley)
  • Delivery: Late March 2020. (allowing for Chinese New Year break in early 2020)

We apologise for the slight delay, but as we explained we want to do the definitive Deltic model, and it’s very important we deliver a first-class model that we can be proud of. It must be right, and it must cover the entire history of the class, from construction to modern preservation.

We will of course keep you up to speed with development as it progresses further.


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