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Who Are Accurascale?

Who Are Accurascale?

Thank you for joining us on the first step of our new adventure into the world of British outline model railway manufacturing. We do hope you like our strategy of announcing items when they are close to production, cutting waiting times for new models, pushing the barriers of fine detailing, and above all, aiming for prototype accuracy, all at an affordable price.

But, you may ask, who the devil is Accurascale? Furthermore, what sort of track record do they have to make such bold claims?

The Irish Railway Models CIE Ballast Hopper Wagons

Accurascale is the sister brand to Irish Railway Models, a company born in 2015 when four modellers came together with the aim of bringing high quality, ready-to-run models to market.

“In my view, this [cement bubble] is probably one of the best and finest ready-to-run wagons I have seen come on the market.” – Andy York, British Railway Modelling Magazine  

Our first two projects, the CIE/Irish Rail ballast hopper and CIE/Irish Rail bulk cement ‘bubble’ tank wagon, have been met with universal acclaim amongst modellers and the modelling press.

Both these models were conceived over (many) pints of Guinness as a project to be undertaken in our spare time during evenings and weekends while holding down day jobs. It soon became a full-time endeavour, presenting the possibility of expansion into British outline, as well as continuing to increase our Irish output.

The IRM Cement Bubble Wagon shows a the level of fidelity and detail the British modeller can expect from Accurascale

We share a passion for British outline railways, modelling British outline when there was little or no Irish models available, so it seemed the logical next step for us to take.

“So, IRM now has two outstanding wagons to its name, models that can easily go toe to toe with the best the UK market has to offer, if not exceed them. With 2018 set to see the company enter the British scene under the Accurascale brand, it will be very interesting to see what emerges over the next 12 months.” – Simon Bendall, Rail Express Modeller Magazine

We’re bringing a fresh approach to the scene, pushing the detail envelope further while maintaining a reasonable price for the modeller to ensure the best value for money. Our aim is to bring you the very best British outline models and keep pushing our great hobby forward, with a laugh or two along the way!

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